where are they

once i was victorious in red alert now they removed this word from the world and others are trying to catch it what is politics that do this and bothers games who are advantage against the cruel world if they are angry with me they can do me no the game and now we are free about a time that no one can understood me but me.

افراد الکترونیک آرتس بر سیاست با کلمه «پیروزی» جنگیدند و این به نابودی کامل گیم بدل شد تا جایی که به بلیزارد فروخت و بعد هم رفت.

This is “Stormy” the last character that was introduced to the game

bombs ruin when i read this: Our nightmares might sound laughable, but you don’t know suffering quite like being prevented from playing a game you’ve thought about all day long. So allow us to moan, we’ve earnt that right.

When the newest update for Helldivers

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